Birth Stories

Alaina’s Birth Story (first baby, long labor, Greenville Memorial, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Andrea’s Birth (first baby, waterbirth, birth center, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Anna’s First Birth (first baby, waterbirth, Greenville Memorial, hypnobirthing, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Anna’s Unexpected Homebirth (hypnobirthing, quick birth)

Annilie’s Birth (Greer Memorial, quick birth)

Arden’s Birth (homebirth, waterbirth, Hatched)

Ashley’s Birth (First baby, Birth center transfer to hospital, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Arthur’s Birth (Homebirth)

Aurora’s Birth (First baby, Homebirth, hypnobirthing, Hatched)

Amber’s First Birth (First baby, Greenville Memorial Hospital, hypnobirthing, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Bella Rose’s Birth (First baby, Birth Center, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Beth’s Birth (I-can’t-decide-hospital-or-birth-center, waterbirth, hypnobirthing, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Blythe’s Birth (Hospital, Greenville Midwifery Care, Prisma)

Brady’s Second Birth (Homebirth, hypnobirthing)

Brady’s Third Birth (Hospital-no-wait-a-minute-changed-my-mind homebirth)

Brandy’s First Birth (dad-catch, Greenville Memorial, hypnobirthing)

Bri’s VBAC (homebirth)

Briana’s Birth: Dad View (first baby, induction, Greenville Memorial, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Briana’s Birth: Mom View 

Brie’s Birth (Fast birth, Prisma Laurens County Hospital)

Brooke’s Birth Video (First Baby, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Brooke’s 2nd Birth Video (Fast, Homebirth, Waterbirth, Hatched Midwifery)

Burgess’s Birth (First baby, Homebirth, Waterbirth)

Cadence’s Birth (First baby, hypnobirthing, Family doc, Greer Memorial)

Cait’s Birth (First baby, Parkside OB, Patewood)

Caroline’s Birth (A nurse’s super quick homebirth, Genesis Birth)

Caroline’s Birth Video (homebirth, Hatched)

Carter’s Birth (First baby, Birth Center, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Celia Jane’s Birth (VBAC, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Chelsea’s and Megan’s Birth (First birth, Homebirth, Waterbirth, Hatched Midwifery)

Chelsea’s Birth (Challenging presentation, Greenville Midwifery Care, Hospital)

Chelsea and Nick (First baby, Homebirth, Paris Mtn Midwifery, Waterbirth)

Cherie’s Birth (Homebirth, Paris Mtn Midwifery, Waterbirth)

Cierra’s Birth (Birth Center, Waterbirth, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Courtney’s Birth (homebirth, hypnobirthing Genesis Birth)

Danielle’s Two Births (homebirth, hypnobirthing)

Dax’s Birth (homebirth, waterbirth)

Duncan’s Birth (homebirth, waterbirth, midwives)

Elenia’s Birth (First baby, OB, GHS)

Elijah’s Birth (first baby, hypnobirthing, family doc, Greer Memorial)

Elany’s Birth (Blissborn hypnosis, oops unassited homebirth)

Eloise Quinn’s Birth (first baby, birth center, fast, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Emmett’s Birth (first baby, waterbirth, Genesis Birth Center)

Emilia’s Birth (homebirth, waterbirth, midwives)

Emily’s Birth (fast first baby, Parkside OB, Patewood hospital)

Erin’s Birth (first baby, Greenville Midwifery Care, change of plans)

Family-Centered Planned Cesarean (Greer Memorial)

Flo’s Birth Story: Dad’s View (waterbirth, Wellborn, midwives, first baby, homebirth)

Flo’s Birth Story: Mom’s View (waterbirth, Wellborn, midwives, first baby, homebirth)

Georgia’s Birth:  An OB’s natural birth (Greenville Memorial, waterbirth, Hypnobabies)

Grady’s Birth (first baby, waterbirth, birth center, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Harlow’s Birth (homebirth, waterbirth, hypnobirthing, midwives)

Haley’s First Birth (Greenville Memorial, waterbirth, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Heather’s Birth (induction, hypnobirthing, Parkside OB, Patewood Hospital)

Holly’s Birth (First Baby, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Homebirth Story told by a Dad

Homebirth Story (First Baby, hypnobirthing)

Hospital Story told by a Dad (Greenville Memorial, waterbirth, hypnobirthing, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Jenni’s Surprise Homebirth (accidental unassisted birth, hypnobirthing)

Jill’s Birth Story (homebirth, waterbirth, Hatched midwives)

Jordan’s Birth Story (first baby, Greenville Memorial, waterbirth, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Kari’s Birth (first baby, Patewood, natural induction, Blissborn Hypnosis, Greenville OB)

Karina’s Unexpected Homebirth (first baby, hypnobirthing)

Karla’s Birth (midwives, hypnobirthing, waterbirth, homebirth)

Kat’s Birth (first baby, Greenville Midwifery Care, long labor, Prisma Greenville Memorial)

Kit’s Birth (first baby, prodromal labor, birth center, waterbirth, Greenville midwifery Care)

Kelley’s Birth (first baby, birth center)

Keren’s Homebirth (Challenging birth, third baby)

Keren’s Homebirth (Video only, fourth baby, waterbirth)

A Labor and Delivery Nurse’s First Baby (Mission Hospital, Induction, hypnobirthing)

Layne’s Birth (first baby, waterbirth, birth center, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Lela’s Birth (first baby, birth center)

Lindsay’s Birth Story (first baby, homebirth, midwife)

Lindsay’s 2nd Birth Story (homebirth, waterbirth, midwife)

Lindsey’s Birth Story (first baby, waterbirth, Greenville Memorial, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Lucas’s Birth (first baby, Blissborn Hypnosis, Greenville Midwifery Care, Greenville Memorial)

Maddy’s Birth (first baby, homebirth, waterbirth, hypnobirthing, midwife)

Maureen’s Birth (Surrogacy, Greenville Midwifery Care, Greenville Memorial)

Maureen’s 2nd Birth (Surrogacy, Greenville Midwifery Care, Greenville Memorial)

Megan’s Birth (first baby, homebirth, waterbirth, Hatched)

Megan’s 2nd Birth (homebirth, waterbirth, Hatched)

Meredith’s VBAC Waterbirth (Greenville Memorial Hospital, Greenville Midwifery Care, hypnobirthing)

Melissa’s Birth (First baby, Greer, Family Doc, hypnobirthing)

Melissa’s VBAC birth (waterbirth, Greenville Memorial, Greenville Midwifery Care)

My Birth #1: Norah (Bradley Childbirth, birth center, first baby, waterbirth)

My Birth # 2: Leaf (::TW:: sensitive, birth loss)

My Birth #3:  Cedar (Homebirth, waterbirth, hypnobirthing)

Natalie’s Birth (first baby, waterbirth, hospital, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Nikki’s Birth (induction, Greenville Memorial,  Greenville Midwifery Care, first baby)

Nimbus’s Birth (homebirth, first baby, Hatched)

Noelle’s Homebirth (first baby, posterior)

Noelle’s 2nd Homebirth (as told by her sister, waterbirth)

Norie’s Birth (first birth, Greer memorial, family doc, hypnobirthing)

Norie’s 2nd Birth (Homebirth, hypnobirthing, midwives)

Norie’s 3rd Birth (Homebirth, hypnobirthing, midwives)

Olivia’s Birth Video (Prisma Greenville Memorial, Greenville Midwifery Care, Waterbirth, Hypnobirthing)

Owen’s Birth (first baby, birth center, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Photographer’s Birth Perspective (Greenville Memorial, hypnosis, dad-catch, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Rachael’s Birth (first baby, homebirth, waterbirth, midwives)

Rachel and Luke’s Birth Video (first baby, homebirth)

Rachel and Luke’s Birth Video (second baby, homebirth, Paris Mtn Midwifery)

Rachel’s Waterbirth (first baby, birth center, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Reagan’s Birth (first baby, oops, car birth!) 

Rosie’s Birth (birth center, waterbirth, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Rosie Joy’s Birth (first baby, homebirth, waterbirth)

Rowan’s Birth (homebirth, midwives, hypnobirthing, waterbirth)

Roxanne’s Birth (waterbirth, birth center, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Sanford’s Birth (Greenville Memorial, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Sarah’s Birth (first baby, Parkside OB, Patewood)

Sarah Jo’s Birth (car birth, oops, NICU nurse)

Savannah Grace’s Birth (unplanned homebirth, hypnobirthing)

Scottie’s Birth (Greenville Midwifery Care, hypnobirthing, hospital, first-time mom)

Stephanie’s VBAC Birth (posterior baby, Greenville Memorial, Greenville Midwifery Care)

Theo’s Birth (homebirth, waterbirth, Paris Mtn Midwifery)

Tori’s Homebirth (first baby, waterbirth, midwives)

William Odin’s Birth (birth center, Greenville Midwifery Care, waterbirth)

VBAC at Greer Memorial (from doula’s perspective, Greer OB)

V’s Birth as Shared by His Dad (Patewood Memorial, Induction, first time parents)

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